Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Doing Scenery while convalescing

Chris Lyon loves working with Celluclay.
It's a combination papier-mache, white glue and water.

Land forms are made quickley.
They are easily shaped by the artiste.
It takes a good 48 hours to harden like plaster.

Is Chris happy in his work? You tell me!

This area needed scenery badly.

This is new scenery on the left of the
double track. On the right, is where
we left off several months ago.

This is the finished product. The Farm house and barn
sit on a small piece of land at the edge of a Cliff.


  1. Looks awesome Don. Your RR is looking great. That Celluclay is great stuff.

  2. Thanks Mike.Our next project will be to scenic Viewmount Yard. Looking forward to this job.
